Feb 10, 2010

Miss Julia :)

So for those of you who dont know, my day job is teaching, and this is our 3rd snow day in a row this week!!!  woo hoo!  (even though i am not looking forward to making them up later- it is nice right now!)  anywho, today i got out my camera and took some photos of my friend Amy's daughter Julia.  she is so cute and a little pistol (just like her mom! ;)  we got some great photos and julia was a good sport to put up with the cold!  Have a great day (even if it isnt a snow day! :) 
ok, so i couldn't decide whether or not to put up the color photo of this one or the black and white, so you get both!   ;)

Julia and her sassy momma Amy :)


Sarah said...

So cute! You do a good job Ashley!

Ryan said...

Wow! Those are phenomenal! Chuck Norris would be proud!:0) Tell Amy I said, "hello."

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. But I'm the Gma :)